
Aztec god of war
Aztec god of war

aztec god of war

His name in the Nahuatl language literally means “flower prince”. Additionally, he was also god of writing and painting. Xochipilli was the Aztec god of happiness, flowers, pleasure, and fertility. Various myths and rituals revolved around this Aztec god as well. While Centeotl was not as powerful as the most powerful of Aztec gods, he was nonetheless important to the Aztecs. In the artistic depictions, he is shown as a young man with yellow body. In Aztec mythology, Centeotl was the son of the earth goddess Tlazolteotl and the solar deity Piltzintecuhtli. Scholars believe that this god was worshipped by previous Mesoamerican civilisations and the Aztecs incorporated him in their religion during their conquests.Ĭenteotl was the Aztec god of maize which was the most important food component of the Aztecs. There was a temple dedicated to this Aztec god in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan. It was also believed by the Aztecs that Xipe Totec invented war thus he connected agricultural renewal with warfare. One of these Aztec gods was Xipe Totec who was the god of agriculture and vegetation.

aztec god of war

There were many Aztec gods of lesser powers and status. He was also important for the Aztecs because he was the war god and Aztec Empire was a military empire with very high emphasis on martial virtues. In the depictions of art, he was shown with a black and yellow stripe pained across his face. He was also the god of the night sky, hurricanes, and a variety of other natural phenomena and powers. Tezcatlipoca was one of the central gods in Aztec religion and was the shaman god and omnipotent universal power. Like other major gods, rich depictions of Quetzalcoatl in various animal forms existed in Aztec art and architecture. The animal symbols used to represent him included quetzals, rattlesnakes, and crows among others. He was worshipped in the temple at the Great Pyramid of Cholula. Like other major Aztec gods, he was also worshipped in the previous Mesoamerican cultures. He was also the god of merchants and of arts, crafts, and knowledge. Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec god of life, wind, and morning star. One of the twin temples on Templo Mayor was reserved for Tlaloc. Tlaloc was also one of the gods involved in the creation of the universe. There were specific animal forms associated with each Aztec god and the animal form associated with Tlaloc was that of herons and other water dwelling creatures. In Aztec creation myth, Huitzilopochtli was one of the gods who created the world.Īnother very powerful and important Aztec god was named Tlaloc who was the supreme god of the rains and also the god of water and fertility. The Templo Mayor, the most famous of all Aztec temple pyramids, had a temple dedicated to Huitzilopochtli along with another one dedicated to Tlaloc. He was also the god of sun, war, and human sacrifice. One of the most important and powerful Aztec gods was Huitzilopochtli who was also the patron god of the Mexica people. The Aztecs had a few major gods who were more powerful than the rest of the gods and goddesses. Report this ad Major Aztec Gods: Huitzilopochtli

Aztec god of war